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Does your child frequently snore or mouth-breathe? I don’t want to cause any paranoia here but if this is your child, it may be cause for concern so please read on.  If there is a physical reason for your child’s sleep difficulties then I’d much rather you get that checked out first before we work on any behavioral sleep issues.

Now, anyone who has ever dabbled in yoga or trained for an athletic challenge of any kind will tell you that proper breathing has incredible benefits, and that proper breathing, by definition, is done through the nose. There are a few reasons why nose-breathing is better for you than mouth-breathing, and they’re not minor benefits. Breathing through your nose increases the amount of oxygen we get to our lungs, expels more carbon dioxide, lowers our heart rate, increases lymphatic flow, and reduces stress on the heart.Mouth breathing, on the other hand, has some pretty nasty downsides. Long-term, chronic mouth breathing in children can actually affect their facial growth, mess with their teeth, cause gum disease, throat infections, stunted growth, and a little closer to my heart, lack of quality sleep.

As you probably already know, we all sleep in cycles. We go from a very light sleep into deeper sleep, then deeper still, and then into the dreaming stage known commonly as REM sleep. During that first stage of light sleep, as well as in the REM stage, we’re very easily woken up.  And what causes baby to wake up in those light stages of sleep? Often times, noise. Barking dog, garbage truck, washing machine getting thrown off balance during the spin cycle, and sometimes, the sound of their own snoring. That’s not the only reason for waking up, mind you. If their airway is obstructed to the point where they temporarily stop breathing, what’s known as an obstructive apnea, the body tends to startle itself out of sleep. (And I’m sure we’re all happy for that little fail-safe, even if it does lead to nighttime wake ups.) Now, I could rehash all the things I’ve said before in my blog posts about the benefits of solid, consolidated sleep, as well as the detriments of sleep deprivation, but I’ll leave it to the National Institutes of Health and their extensive study on the subject if you want a refresher. Suffice it to say, your baby needs a lot of sleep, and it’s bad for them in a whole lot of ways if they don’t get it.

So if your baby is snoring, you should absolutely take action. The first thing you should do is grab your phone and make a recording of your little one breathing while they sleep. The second step is to take that recording to your pediatrician and play it for them. Just going to the doctor and telling them your baby’s snoring might not spark a lot of concern on their part, but being able to demonstrate the severity of the issue can light a little fire under them and prompt them to refer you to a respiratory specialist. Removal of the tonsils and/or adenoids is often the next logical step if their airways are significantly blocked. If your little one’s snoring isn’t severe enough to warrant surgery, however, the doctor will probably have some suggestions that are less invasive. Just a final note to add here. If your baby is sick or congested, don’t jump to the conclusion that their snoring is permanent. A little nasal congestion due to illness can cause baby to snore, but it should clear up when they get better.

No breathing issues or they aren't severe and your child isn't sleeping?  Set up a call with me so we can get your family sleeping through the night!

Written by
Amy Hough
Published on
January 2019


(785) 220-6316
Topeka, Kansas
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